When I was riding by the river, I found another cyclist fell and caused head injuries. This is due to improper wearing of the helmet. I hope this is an isolated incident. But this exact situation has happened several times before. Although this helmet failure is not as common as several others, I have seen them many times, which is very painful. Improper installation or incorrect wearing of the helmet will affect the safety of the helmet, and may not provide all its safety functions when it is dropped or crashed.

The most common cause of bicycle helmet failure

Carry helmet

Wearing attractive bicycle helmets in this way is usually because the helmet is too large or the belt is not adjusted properly, which reduces safety and increases the chance of the helmet loosening in a crash.

Helmet leans back

Tilt the helmet backwards may be useful for Hollywood cowboys, but not so effective for city bikers. First, it looks stupid. But what's worse is that if you fall, your entire forehead and face are vulnerable.

Reverse the helmet

How to find the right helmet and wear it correctly

Choose the correct size

Start by measuring your head circumference and confirm that your head circumference fits the size range of the helmet. These dimensions are almost always in centimeters, so using a metric tape measure will solve the problem. Make sure that the helmet you choose is just the right size, not too small or too big.

Dial in to Fit

The popular bike helmets have a dial adaptation system that can be customized. This dial can expand and retract the helmet to half of the maximum size in either direction to accommodate a wider range of head shapes and sizes.

Adjust the belt

After setting the helmet, arrange the belt and position it so that the front is about two fingers wide from the top of the eyebrows. Adjust the position of the side straps so that the straps form a "V" shape under and in front of your ears, and the front and back straps will not be slack. Tighten the chin strap until you can install two fingers underneath.




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